We have talked a lot about blogging in our
blogging category, in posts like, What is Blogging, Top Blogs & Bloggers, Adsense Tips,
how to write post in less time etc but I observed from my personal experience and readers comments and also from chats with bloggers on facebook and Twitter, that making a blog is not a task, it's easy, anyone can make a blog and run it on Internet.

The problem is to picking up the blog to top means getting good ranking, decent traffic and remarkable income. Many bloggers always complaining that their blogs are fail in getting traffic from search engines. Well for getting good traffic you must need to write something which attract the internet users especially the
youth, and if your problem is which niche to choose for best post, stop worrying here we are going to share all topics which are most in demand and you can say evergreen topics for writing posts, have a look.
23. At Home

Did you know that rubber bands last longer when you refrigerate them? Things for around the house get a lot of traffic. That is because everyone needs help keeping their home clean and in order. Use that to bring new readers to your blog.
22. Writing

Did you know that on average your left hand will do 56% of the typing? Writing for a blog, for work, for fun, or for profit is a huge market. If you can help people by writing better, to write clearer, or be more profitable with their writing then you will get a lot of new followers to your blog. After all, who is going to be hanging around blogs the most? Writers of blogs!
21. Law

Did you know that sharks are the only fish that can blink with both eyes? Legal issues trouble everyone and those shark lawyers are usually not much help. If you have experience with a legal issue or just a story you can tell you might be able to help someone else out of a jam. You have to be careful not to give legal advice unless you are qualified, but you can always tell your legal stores that you have experienced.
20. Fear

Did you know that there are more chickens in the world than people? A lot of people have issues with fear and anxiety. Face it, lot of us are just plain chicken. But if you have overcame fear in your life or found a new way of dealing with it, then that can make a great blog post.
19. Languages

Did you know that the longest one syllable word in the English language is the word screeched? Learning new languages is not easy, especially if you are trying to learn English. There are tons of people out there who could use a little advice from native speakers. Whether you post videos, sound files, or just give grammar tips, your help will be greatly appreciated.
18. Travel

Did you know that on a Canadian two dollar bill the flag flying over the parliament building is an American flag? Travel is a huge business and you can cash in on it. Tell about where you have been, where you want to go, and why you want to go there. Talk about good experiences and bad ones, things you would do differently, and great places to stay and eat. Even if you have never left your home town you can still give advice to people coming to visit it!
17. Poetry

Did you know that no word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple? You do not have to rhyme to create a poem, but poems are a great way to show off your creative side. They can be short or long, serious or funny, but poetry is another idea for a blog post.
16. Dreams
Did you know that the word dreamt is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters "mt"? Dreams are intensely personal and sometimes they are just intense. They can be images of real life or twisted and convoluted horror stories. People want advice on how to interpret them, what they mean, and what they should do about them. Even more realistic dreams cans serve to give us new ideas or new inspiration.
15. Disasters

Did you know that there are only four words in the English language that end in "dous"? Those words are tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. Disasters are sad, but they do happen. You can use them to your advantage, however, if you catch them in time. Document people's reactions in your area, put your twist on the news stories, or tell us what you think was the culprit behind it. From earthquakes to tsunamis to school shootings, there is always something to talk about.
14. Pets
Did you know that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear? Cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, lizards, and even snakes make for great blog posts. People love their pets and love to talk about them. From health advice to training tips to just funny moments, this topic will bring readers in by the handfuls.
13. Memory
Did you know that an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain? It is a good thing the same can't be said for people. But many people do have issues with their memory. They forget things, overlook things, or just can't seem to keep it all together. If you have tips on ways to improve their thinking, make it easier to keep everything going strong, or even vitamins and minerals that support brain health and function, then this is a great blog post idea for you.
12. Beauty

Did you know that tigers have striped skin and not just striped fur? Women especially flock to blog posts about makeup, hairstyles, and skin tips. If you have a lipstick you love, a moisturizer you swear by, or an easy way to cure split ends, then share it. It does not have to be products you buy in the store. Natural remedies and home cures work great too.
11. Advertisements
Did you know that in most advertisements the time displayed on any watch or clock shown is 10:10? Ads are a huge part of everyone's life. From customers to businesses, we all know about ads. Maybe you have a new ad concept or strategy. Maybe you want to help people to be smart about what they buy and why they buy it. Maybe you know how to block ads on your mobile device or add ads to your website.
I have divided this post into 2 parts. In part-2, i have shared top 10 blogging topics. Click here to read Best Topic to Write Posts for your Blog - Part 2.
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