Facebook To Launch Video ADs IN First Half Of Next Year
Facebook Inc is all set to unveil its new application in the first half of 2013 that is going to stream video advertisements in users' news feed,
Ad Age reported, citing several industry executives who have been briefed on the company's plans over the past few weeks.

Facebook to unveil video ads | Eminentyouth
Video ads are going to be available on the desktop as well as on mobile phones apps and tablets.
Facebook may prefer to limit the length of these videos to 15 seconds only.
Facebook has no official comments on this till now. Facebook is planning for some big changes for its present advertising format, according to a report. Currently, many ads are static images and a little text to a user's newsfeed.

By mid of 2013, user would find video ads popping up. The plan is to make video ad spots available to advertisers in the computer and
mobile app versions of Facebook. The video format is meant to attract TV advertisers. It looks as though the new video ads will play automatically, which is bound to annoy more than a few Facebook users. On the contrary,
Facebook is expected to limit videos to 15 seconds, which is pretty short compared to video ads shown by other websites.

On the other hand, Facebook is touting the variety of devices that people use throughout the day as a way to reach them multiple times: if a user uses
Facebook through a PC,a tablet or a phone, he might be treated to the same ad three times. It would be really interesting to find how users are going to respond to video ads. At some extent, too much advertising could make using Facebook too much of a hassle. This will get confirmed when facebook will launch this application next year.
Facebook To Unveil Video Ads Next Year: Report
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